The real Paris !

© Paris Tourist Office - Photographe : Catherine Balet
The bistro is a veritable institution of Parisian life. The distinction between a bistro and a simple café comes from the fact that, in the last century, bistros were owned by wine merchants.
Connoisseurs will tell about the poetic atmosphere of a Parisian bistro. A good wine-list, traditional and invigorating fare, friendly and prompt service, a décor of stone walls, curtains and dark wood, and reasonable prices. All of this combines to create a convivial atmosphere.

Below is a list of some good bistros to visit. You can find out more from the Paris Tourism Office.


Speciality: traditional French cuisine

121, rue de la Convention 75015 PARIS
Métro : Boucicaut
RER : C - Javel André Citroën
SNCF : Gare Montparnasse
tél. :
fax :



© Paris Tourist Office


Speciality: traditional French cuisine

40, avenue des Terroirs Immeuble Lumière 75611 PARIS CEDEX 12
Métro : Cour Saint-Emilion
RER : A-B-D Châtelet les Halles
SNCF : Gare De Lyon
tél. :
fax :


Speciality: traditional French cuisine

Musée de Louvre - 93, rue de Rivoli Aile Richelieu, 1er étage 75001 PARIS
Métro : Palais Royal Musée du Louvre
tél. :
fax :



Speciality: traditional French cuisine

13, rue de Charonne 75011 PARIS
Métro : Bastille
RER : Gare de Lyon
SNCF : Gare De Lyon
tél. : 01 47 00 34 57
fax : 01 48 07 02 00


Speciality: traditional French cuisine

102 Quai Jemmapes 75010 PARIS
Métro : Jacques Bonsergent
tél. :
fax :


Le Carnet Gourmand

Find a guide to all of the restaurants that subscribe to the Tourism Office and the Congrès de Paris with the Carnet Gourmand!

© Paris Tourist Office

Published in association with the Société des Bonnes Tables (Good Dining Society), this illustrated, bilingual (French & English) guidebook will prove useful in your search for a good place to eat.

Over 200 restaurants are listed, classed by arrondissement, many of which subscribe to the Tourism Office or the Congrès de Paris.

The guide will give you an indication of the setting, atmosphere and culinary specialities of each restaurant, as well as accepted methods of payment, opening hours and any extra facilities offered, such as access for handicapped persons, terraces, wine cellars, parking, etc.

If you are dining on a budget, you will be interested in the price indication for each restaurant, which divides establishments into three categories: average menu below €30.00, average menu below €45.00, average menu above €45.00.

You can pick up the Carnet Gourmand for free at any branch of the Office de Tourisme or the Congrès de Paris. Equally, it can be found in any of the restaurants that are featured in the guidebook, as well as in many hotels.

For more information : category "Eating out".