Altogether, the bridges of Paris constitute a veritable encyclopaedia of the artistic periods. The various structures that span the river illustrate the evolution of materials and techniques over the centuries. Each bridge tells a little bit of the story of Paris.
© Paris Tourist Office -
Photographe : David Lefranc
Among the city’s 35 bridges across the Seine, some have stood for centuries. Classified as artistic works, registered in the inventory of historical monuments, or considered simple bridges, their history retraces that of the city.
Paris currently boasts 35 bridges across the Seine:
• 31 road bridges (of which two are open to vehicles exclusively,
pont Amont and pont Aval),
• 4 pedestrian bridges, one of which is being completed:
Solférino (l’Etat), and one is undergoing study:
Bercy-Tolbiac (Ville de Paris),
• 2 railway viaducts (managed by RATP).
© Paris Tourist Office -
Photographe : Catherine Balet
© Paris Tourist Office -
Photographe : Catherine Balet
Below is a list of the bridges spanning the Seine in Paris, in
downriver order:
- Pont est du Boulevard périphérique (where the
river enters the city)- Pont National
- Pont de Tolbiac
- Pont de Bercy (including a railway level for line 6 of the Parisian
metro and a level for road traffic)
- Pont Charles-de-Gaulle (1996)
- Viaduc d'Austerlitz (railway viaduct used by line 5 of the metro)
- Pont d'Austerlitz
- Pont de Sully (which crosses the eastern point of Île
- Pont de la Tournelle (between the left bank and Île Saint-Louis)
- Pont Marie (between the right bank and Île Saint-Louis)
- Pont Louis-Philippe (between the right bank and Île Saint-Louis)
- Pont Saint-Louis (pedestrian bridge between Île de la
Cité and l'Île Saint-Louis)
- Pont de l'Archevêché (between the left bank and
Île de la Cité)
- Pont au Double (between the left bank and Île de la Cité)
- Pont d'Arcole (between the right bank and Île de la Cité)
- Petit-Pont (between the left bank and Île de la Cité)
- Pont Notre-Dame (between the right bank and Île de la
- Pont Saint-Michel (between the left bank and Île de la
- Pont au Change (between the right bank and Île de la Cité)
- Pont Neuf (which crosses the western point of Île de la
Cité, the oldest bridge, built between 1578 and 1607)
- Pont des Arts (pedestrian bridge)
- Pont du Carrousel
- Pont Royal
- Passerelle Solférino (1999) (pedestrian bridge)
- Pont de la Concorde
- Pont Alexandre III
- Pont des Invalides
- Pont de l'Alma
- Passerelle Debilly (pedestrian bridge)
- Pont d'Iéna
- Pont de Bir-Hakeim (including a railway level for line 6 of
the Parisian metro and a level for road traffic)
- Railway viaduct (line C of the RER)
- Pont de Grenelle
- Pont Mirabeau
- Pont du Garigliano
- Pont ouest du Boulevard périphérique (where the
river leaves the city).
Make the most of your stay by visiting the museums and monuments. Not to mention around Paris, the boat trips, the Parisian squares, the parks and gardens, the zoos and farms of Paris, the unusual spots, or the operas, where you can stroll around at your ease.