t showrooms



Below you will find lots of different links, some of which are featured throughout the site and some of which are not.

Some of the useful and complementary links below may help to guide you and make the most of your time in the capital.

German Cultural Centre - Goethe Institut

Irish Cultural Centre - The website displays the programme of cultural events, a list of webwebsites on Ireland and its culture, information on accommodation…

Portugese Cultural Centre - Calouste Gulbenkian
The website of the cultural centre : information on cultural demonstrations, the library…

Waloon Cultural Centre - Brussels
The website of the Belgian cultural centre : agenda, publications...

Fondation Cartier Website

Austrian Cultural Forum
The website of the forum, which is designed to promote awareness of Austrian culture and artistic and cultural exchange between Austria and France. Features a calendar of events, directories, discussion forums…

Halle Saint Pierre Website

British Council
The website of the British Council : information on cultural events, the U.K., language courses

Cervantès Institute
The website of the institute : cultural information, Spanish courses

Italian Cultural Institute
The website of the institute : programme of meetings, debates and cultural demonstrations: information on the Italian Language School…

Finnish Institute
Information on the teaching of Finnish, the cultural programme of the institute…

Hungarian Institute
The website of the institute : cultural activities, information on Hungary, the teaching of Hungarian

Polish Institute
The website of the institute : cultural programme

Cultural House of Japan Website

Radio France House Website

House of World Cultures

Palais des Congrès (Conference Centre of Paris) Website

Patrimoine photographique.
Exhibitions at Hôtel de Sully (Photographic Heritage)

Pavillon de l'Arsenal Site